FX – Asia

Thailand: The military is in charge for now.

With King in Declining Health, Future of Monarchy in Thailand Is Uncertain


Amid Protests, Nepal Adopts Constitution

Slipping Backward in Nepal

South Korea: Will we be seeing this sort of thing in China soon, with their billionaire businessmen (and their families)?

‘War of Princes’ Sows Turmoil at South Korean Conglomerate

Indonesia: Major environmental issues, which affect their neighbors, too

As Indonesia Prospers, Air Pollution Takes Toll

Burma: More on ethnic conflicts there.

Zarni – In Myanmar, Peace for Ethnic Rights

Sri Lanka: More on the war crimes issue, and a climb back towards respectability.

Fernando – Sri Lanka’s War Crimes Controversy

At UN Assembly, Sri Lankan Leader Aims to Lift Country’s Stature

India: Concerns about extremist Hindu nationalism, and the impacts on the secular and non-Hindu population. Will Modi take action, or acquiesce?

Faleiro – India’s Attack on Free Speech

A mob in India just dragged a man from his home and beat him to death – for eating beef

Mob killing of Indian Muslim over beef rumor sparks online backlash

Mob Attack, Fueled by Rumors of Cow Slaughter, Has Political Overtones in India

FX – Around the World

Not much in print today, but a bunch of good NPR stories…

Israel: Lobbying at the boundary between our politics and theirs.

AIPAC Walks Bipartisan Line While Israeli Politics Moves Sharply Right

Syria: The last third of the story is the reason I’m posting this.

Roger Cohen – Little Syria in Lesbos

ISIS: Didn’t expect this one. First, the NPR interview with the author, and then his print story.

Top ISIS Commander Had U.S. Training

US training helped mold top Islamic State military commander

Russia: Title says it all.

Russian Aid To Syrian Regime Designed To Shift Focus From Ukraine

Foreign Policy: The different foreign policy flavors of GOP candidates.

GOP Focus on World Affairs Reveals a Divide Among the Contenders

Cuba: They get a papal visit, too.

The Long-Fraught Relationship Between Cuba And The Catholic Church

Sri Lanka: It was a really ugly war.

A Reckoning on Sri Lanka War Crimes

Eritrea: “The North Korea of Africa” is worth following (from a distance).

Why So Many Eritreans Are Fleeing To Europe

FX – Around the World

Yemen: This is not a pleasant story to read (be forewarned), but this is the reality of war. And this story could be from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, or any number of other countries. It’s much of why I question the Neocon military-first (-only?) approach. War always means this outcome, so do not choose it lightly.

Kutabish – In Yemen, Death From Above, Grief Below

Syria: The people we like are fighting a two-front war – against Assad’s forces and against Islamic extremists (ISIS and Al Qaeda’s Nusra front mostly). And refugees actually impact Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon more than the ones we see in the news entering Europe impact that continent.

Syria – Administration searches for new approach to aiding rebels

Are Syrian refugees a security threat to the Middle East – Reuters

Iran: “U.S. demoted from Great Satan to Lesser Satan; Republican exceptionalists immediately denounce the move!”

Post-Deal Iran Asks if US Is Still ‘Great Satan,’ or Something Less

The Castro brothers in Cuba, and Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela, have made it a business to demonize America as a means of rallying their troops to the cause. Iranian hard-liners and and the GOP have long used each other to scare their base supporters in a similar fashion. (Exploiting the Us/Them dichotomy, an old trick for political gain.) If we’re no longer the worst thing in the world to Iranians, where does that leave the people here who use that tactic?

Thailand: Ah, the joys of military dictatorship. An acquaintance once spoke, with no fondness, of her husband’s several-year experience in an ‘attitude adjustment’ camp in Vietnam after the Americans left.

Thailand’s ruling generals threaten critics with an ‘attitude adjustment’

Malaysia: Note the racial/ethnic elements.

Pro-Government Rally Ends in Malaysia Capital After Standoff – Bloomberg Business

China: More on their economic zombie epidemic, and an evaluation of that trend. Plus, is China a friend or an enemy?

A ‘Sense Of Crisis’ Now In A Chinese Boomtown Gone Bust

Is the China Growth Model Dead – The Diplomat

Obama and China – Trying to play well with a close frenemy

(The source of the second article above  – The Diplomat – covers the Asia-Pacific region far more thoroughly than I do/can, which might make it a good source for hard core FXers.)

Sri Lanka: Admitting to the past to help move forward.

UN Urges Sri Lanka to Establish Court to Investigate War Abuses

Brazil: A very succinct headline.

Brazil’s economy tanks as multibillion-dollar corruption scandal expands

Guatemala: Any hope of success?

Next Test for Guatemala’s Protest Movement – Improving Citizens’ Lives

Russia: The veneer of democracy…

Trudolyubov – Russia’s Latest Fake Election

FX – Around the World

Syria: Cause and effect.

For Those Who Remain in Syria, Daily Life Is a Nightmare

‘Syria is emptying’

Turkey: Who started this? And why?

A Sense of Instability Settles Over Turkey as Conflict With Kurds Flares

North Korea: They do this a lot. So, is this a case of playing to the home crowd again, or is this the time we really have to worry?

North Korea says it has restarted its nuclear facilities, threatens the US

North Korea Threatens U.S. With ‘Improved’ Nuclear Program

Sri Lanka: A few years ago an assistant coach in the area told me a story about meeting another child in grade school who was also Sri Lankan. After his friend came over to play, his parents told him that the friend couldn’t come over any more. His family was Sinhalese, the friend’s family was Tamil. I’d really like to see reconciliation work in my lifetime.

Sri Lanka Lays Out Plan for Reconciliation

Thailand: When bad things happen, governments often like to blame who they want to be responsible rather than who is actually responsible. Did Thailand get it right, or is this scapegoating? (Remember, right now they’re under military rule – what serves the ruling powers?)

Thailand Blames Uighur Militants in Bombing at Bangkok Shrine

Great Britain: I think this article overstates matters; it cites sound bites without the proper context I’ve read elsewhere. The question may actually be whether or not Corbyn will ever matter enough to affect the U.S.-British relationship. (Will he?)

The threat of Jeremy Corbyn’s radically anti-American agenda

Spain: Taking a break from economic issues, Catalonian independence, and migrants.

Can Spain’s monarchy be saved – It’s up to King Felipe VI and his commoner queen

Zimbabwe: I’ve posted on Zimbabwe’s history/background earlier; it’ll give you more context for this article.

Zimbabwe seized white farmers’ land – Now some are being invited back

Guatemala: A small development in a bigger drama.

Guatemala – Former Front-Runner Drops Out of Presidential Race

FX – A quick world tour

Arctic: Global warming effects get political in a new way. That’s why you may hear about the US-Russian icebreaker gap. This may be a possible reason for the Chinese ships off the coast of Alaska, mentioned earlier.

Claims On The Arctic Heat Up With The Climate

Ukraine: Apparently a riot-worthy issue.

Ukraine Weighs Autonomy for Parts of East, Already in Russia’s Thrall

Zimbabwe: Hardball politics, sometime to the death.

A Zimbabwean dissident was either brave or reckless – Now he’s missing

Sri Lanka: This surprised me, and is huge. See my previous comments.

Tamil Lawmaker to Lead Opposition in Sri Lanka

Mexico: Still time for him to turn things around?

Halfway through his term, Mexico’s Pena Nieto has tumbled in polls

Guatemala: A surprise? Inevitable?

President Otto Perez Molina of Guatemala Resigns, Then Appears in Court

FX – Sri Lanka


To get to be a Social Studies teacher, my university required an anthropology course. Mine, in 2004, was on the Tamils of Sri Lanka. Quick background: When Sri Lanka was Ceylon, under the British, the Tamils (a numerical minority) tended to receive the positions of favor over the more numerous Sinhalese. After independence, that situation was reversed, and the Tamil minority was denied many basic privileges.

Iraq has traveled a similar path – a governing Sunni minority under Saddam Hussein, then Shiite domination after his downfall. Just as the Sunni fall from power led to Al Qaeda and ISIS (both predominantly Sunni, and anti-Shia), some Tamils ended up forming the Tamil Tigers. They are sometimes cited as the modern originators of suicide bombing, and their tactics were often brutal. They were defeated fairly recently, and not without brutality on the other side. That history, in part, has set up the current elections there. The following articles cover some of the background of the past week’s elections, and some of the implications.

Note the mention of China. How does this compare to their actions in Africa and elsewhere?

Comeback Hopes Dim for Mahinda Rajapaksa, Sri Lanka’s Ex-President

Former President Concedes, Then Reverses, in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankans Reject Ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Election

Can Sri Lanka’s new government break free from China